Alyssa Grad


Alyssa Grad Celebration

When I met Alyssa she was struggling with a decision to be a part of a program called MLS which would extend her time in college, but would be beneficial to her future. She started that program after a while. To be clear she applied for the hard to get into program and got in. To be clear other people did not get into this program and she did. To be clear this was an extremely demanding program and she killed it day by day, week by week, month by month, through rain, shine, pandemics, in person and online. She conquered the blood work internship. And she’s killing it where she is now. I’ve seen how well she’s gotten through all these struggles. I’ve seen how she’s worried, manifested, and worked towards her goals. I’m seeing how she’s still doing it, and even though Alyssa has her moments as we all do struggling with certainty of the future, I’m never worried because I know she’ll be able to do whatever she wants. I know it’ll be hard, but I know I’ll also be here for her.

I’m wildly proud of you, I love you, and you did it. You did it before, you’re doing it now, and if that’s any evidence of the future ( andI believe it is) you’ll be doing it, killing it, for the rest of your life. I’ll be here to make sure you relax and take care of yourself in between.